The 7 Steps to a Green and Sustainable Home Renovation | March 16th, 2021


If you’re looking for a change that will reduce your monthly energy consumption, a sustainable home renovation might be right for you. If you’re going to renovate your home anyway, it would help to include some of these green solutions.


What Is a Sustainable Home Renovation?

A sustainable renovation is an upgrade to your home that reduces how much energy you use in a given month. It can also refer to using recycled, upcycled, or green materials in construction.


There are many benefits to green building practices, but the theme that ties them together is your cognizance of the Earth. Green building will help the environment and minimize your home’s impact on it.



7 Steps to a Green and Sustainable Home Renovation

Now it’s time to learn more about the seven steps you can follow to have a sustainable home renovation. Your own unique situation will determine how many of these options you want to use.


1. PlyFix

Using green building materials is a surefire way to help achieve a sustainable home renovation. PlyFix is a specially engineered felt material derived from recycled bottles. Despite its origin, it’s a versatile and aesthetic option that can be used for numerous purposes such as wall paneling, sound insulation, and furniture.


The PlyFix material can also be arranged into a Tetrapod, which is a reusable and non-intrusive way to add a division in your room. It looks great and offers multiple environmental benefits.



2. Reclaimed Wood

Reclaimed wood can be used as a part of your sustainable building design. You could use it in numerous ways such as furniture, flooring, or exposed beams.


Reclaimed wood simply means that it was taken from its original application and reused for a new purpose. A barn, old house, or pallet are all examples of reclaimed wood sources.

Not only is reclaimed wood functional, but it also adds a rustic or bohemian element to your renovation. Reclaimed wood can work for a number of different aesthetics.



3. Upgraded Insulation

Improving the insulation will work wonders for your home. In the winter, your heating system pumps hot air into your home that then escapes through a variety of cracks and holes in the structure.


Insulation works by filling up these cracks and holes. The result is better heat retention in your home, which means your heating system has to pump less hot air. The result? Less energy wasted.


Problem areas that need extra insulation include the gaps around your windows and doors. If you have a garage, make sure the walls and doors are well-insulated.


Basements and attics should get special attention when it comes time to add insulation. These areas are typically a lot cooler or warmer than other parts of the house. That differing temperature can leak into the rest of your house and lead to your heating system getting overworked.


Another place to insulate is around the ducts that are used for your HVAC system. This prevents heat from escaping as the hot air travels from your heat source to each room’s vent.



4. New Heating System

Sustainable building systems are the best way to reduce your energy use. Having an energy-efficient and green heating system will ensure that you don’t waste any energy. Older, less efficient systems are known to leak heat and expend too much energy. By upgrading to a brand new system, you’ll see a decrease in your monthly energy bill and an increased level of comfort.


According to Consumer Reports, you can use as much as 15% less energy each month with an optimized heating system. This might include a new thermostat, upgraded infrared heaters, or an electric fireplace. Don’t forget to insulate the ducts in your new system.



5. Recycled Paint

Did you know that you can use eco-friendly paint? You can find paints that are specifically made to be environmentally friendly — they use a different production process that uses less energy.


You can also use mis-tinted paint. A mis-tint is when the store gets the coloring process slightly wrong and the tint is off a little bit. Rather than dump the paint, some stores will offer it at a reduced price. This means spending less while keeping paint from being discarded.


Finally, whatever paint you don’t use can be recycled. It can either be given to family or friends, or it can be donated to a charity. Do whatever you can to avoid throwing away perfectly good paint.



6. Upgraded Windows

Upgrading all of your windows is a quick way to reduce how much energy you waste every month. As mentioned earlier, windows are among the usual suspects when it comes to leaking comfortable air and letting outside air in.


Simply insulating and sealing the corners of the window might not be enough. You could also have a lot of leakage through the windows themselves. Upgrading your windows with green options is a great idea during your sustainable home renovation. You can also caulk the panes of your window with eco-friendly caulk.


If you remove the screens from your south-facing windows during winter, more heat will be allowed into your home. At the same time, you can add heavier drapes to get better warmth during the cold months.



7. Energy-Efficient Appliances

Your heating system isn’t the only component that can use an energy-efficient upgrade. All of the appliances in your house can help in reducing your energy waste every month.


Appliances like ovens, refrigerators, water heaters, and microwaves have an EnergyGuide label on them. This label tells you how much energy is wasted by using it, and it will also tell you how green an option is.


It’s worth spending a little extra for green appliances. They might save you money in the long run thanks to the energy savings each month.




A sustainable home renovation does a lot of good for you and the environment. You just learned seven ways to help cut back on how much energy you waste every month. If you want to explore innovative, greener products that can help with your project, contact Miniwiz today.