台哥大循環創生,價值重生, 讓廢光纜化身建材箍筋、磚牆 為循環經濟拋「磚」引玉


台灣大哥大新聞中心 Taiwan Mobile

Nov 9th, 2020


受台灣大哥大集團的邀請,小智研發於2020年11月參與循環創生 價值重生《企業循環經濟應用實務論壇》,在會議中發表使用「廢棄光纖電纜」(簡稱廢光纜) 循環創生的成果。將廢光纜轉換成水泥茶几結構、將廢光纜內組成材料的鋁帶回收製作成座椅,同時將光纜外包材回收製成杯墊、PE造型磚,這項廢光纜循環利用再生研發。藉由此次與台灣大哥大的合作,小智研發首度投身廢光纜的應用,透過全新的製程與材料研發,讓廢光纜除了拆解分離外,還可不經過拆解,直接取代建築產業中鋼筋混凝土的張力箍筋,將其轉化為具有結構意義的建築材料。透過研究及測試發現,光纜能達到與一般鋼筋混凝土相同強度,甚至優於業界結構標準,使用於建築結構上,經估算有將近28%箍筋用量可以被廢光纜取代。若全台興建的建築完全使用,每年的總產值預估高達約223億,更可減少約303萬公噸的碳排放量,相當於77,86座大安森林公園每年的碳吸收量,團隊也正評估未來可以加強利用光纜防鏽且防水的條件,提供河堤、橋樑、消波塊等需暴露在外面的結構體更強大的保護,直接減少對原始鋼材的需求,對環境、對產業都有極大的幫助,也期待能創造更大的經濟效益。


Taiwan Mobile seeks to more upcycling possibility for the highly polluted waste – fiber optical cable in partnership with MINIWIZ, a pioneer in providing upcycling solutions by leveraging design, engineering, and material technology. The result of this groundbreaking collaboration was introduced in the form of aluminum recycled chair and fiber optical cable waste structured coffee tables at the "Circular Economy Business Cases Forum" in November 2020.


Arthur Huang, Co-founder & CEO at MINIWIZ, added "through MINIWIZ and Taiwan Mobile's collaboration, we uncovered a breakthrough that will disrupt the construction building material industry by substituting steel with optical fiber waste, without sacrificing structural integrity. Furthermore, based on our research, this should create NT$22.3 billion in new business opportunities, 28% reduction in steel usage, and 3 million metric tons reduction in carbon emission or 7,786 Da’an forest parks equivalent annually.”


This collaboration will be expanded to a bigger scope in order to achieve the goal of reducing fiber optical cable waste as the replacement of building structure material in the future.